Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yordanov Den

Yordonov Den (St. Jordan's Day) or Epiphany takes place every year on the 6th of January. In towns across Bulgaria priests bless crosses and throw them into lakes, rivers, and the sea. Brave men from around the town then jump into the ice cold waters and swim to retrieve it thereby receiving the priest's blessing for the year. This year it was a balmy 4 degrees (39 degrees for all you Fahrenheit folk) and with snow still on the ground we made our way to the sea where Bourgas' celebration is held. Now I have a little confession. Last year when I was told of this cross throwing event, I was imagining more of a Jesus crucifixion cross and not the small wooden cross of a priest. So needless to say I was a little disappointed, since all year long I had envisioned men diving into the water and pulling out this humongous cross. When we arrived at the pier a sizable crowd had already gathered. We went down on to the beach hoping to catch some good photos, since only the press is allowed in the area where the actual event takes place. The ceremony starts at the church and the priests make their way on foot to the sea. 19 men and boys took part in the event this year and from where we were we could just make them out on the end of the pier. When they were all ready the priest threw the cross and they jumped in, braving some pretty rough seas, to retrieve it. While the boy was receiving his blessing we noticed the people on the beach near us walking toward the water and realized that they too were going forward to receive theirs. The belief is that when the priest throws the cross into the water, it becomes purified and many people went to touch it and bless themselves. A couple of people even bottled the water. On his way back to the church the priest blessed the crowds (and us!) with water by dousing some branches and flicking them at the crowd.

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