Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gas Crisis!

You may have read in the news recently about a dispute between Russia and Ukraine resulting in the natural gas being cut off to many countries in Eastern Europe. Since we live in a country affected directly by the crisis (Bulgaria receives 90% of its natural gas from Russia), we hear about it from our co-workers. Jess's school is in the area of the city that is heated primarly by natural gas and because of this had co-workers who had no hot water from the tap and had to heat water in the microwave to wash their faces and brush their teeth. Some school districts have declared holidays to conserve the gas used to heat the buildings. Jess' school was not shut down, but its hours were reduced - starting later and finishing sooner. Our apartment has always been heated with an electric powered radiator, so our hot water and heat has been unaffected by the gas crisis. We do, however, suffer the normal minor inconveniences of winter. In general, we solve our weather woes by confining ourselves to the bedroom easiest to heat, preparing more soups, cocoas and coffees, and Jess has started dressing like a blanket-covered ninja.


Princess Ariel said...

Well, dressing like a blanket-covered ninja takes all the fun out of confining yourselves to the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

ILMAO: that was about the comment above.

As for the gas crisis: Germans hardly felt anything. Neither did Czechs. Basically this crisias mostly hit poor old-communist totalitarian states like Bulgaria. As a matter of fact, we all (incl. you :) ) prolly pay more than the rest of Europe for gas (the actual gas contract with Russia is a state secret?!) :/