Monday, April 20, 2009

Baba Marta

After waiting all winter, the 1st of March finally brought one of my favorite Bulgarian holidays and the promise that winter would (hopefully) be coming to a close. Baba Marta (Grandmother March) is a holiday unique to Bulgaria. On this day people give each other bracelets or pendants made from red and white string called martenitsa (martenitsi for plural). Sometimes small dolls made from string as also given. These dolls are called Pizho (the white male) and Penda (the red female). In Bulgarian folklore Baba Marta was a grumpy old woman who changed her mood very rapidly. Her mood was reflected in the changeable March weather. When she was smiling the weather was sunny and warm, but if she got angry the cold would stay for longer and it might even snow. By wearing these red and white bracelets and pendants people ask Baba Marta for mercy – that the cold weather will pass quickly and spring will arrive. People wear these bracelets until they see the first sign of spring (either a stork or a new bud on a tree). At the first sign of spring they take them off and tie them to the nearest fruit tree. This transfers the good luck that you receive when you are given a martenitsa to the tree and gives it long life and prosperity.

One other interesting March tradition - the day that your birth date falls on during the month of March is an important one. The weather for that day determines your year. For instance if you are born on July 21st (as Wil is) good weather on the 21st of March means you will have a good/happy year, bad weather means it won't be a great year for you. How is my year going to be?? Mighty fine.

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