Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Energy Efficiency is Coming to Bourgas

Whoohoo! I am pleased to report that our project for Energy Efficiency at Mihail Lakatnick Primary School has been funded. In October we will be renovating the classrooms to install new light fixtures with energy efficient bulbs and new regulation knobs on the radiators. I'm hopeful that this, coupled with the educational component, will make a dent in our consumption and expenditures. Below is a slide show taken of the "before" classrooms. The classrooms that look like they have more sun will also be getting the regulation knobs since they receive more sun year-round than the other side of the school. Since they can't stop the heat (and believe me it gets hot in there) they end up having to open the windows! Notice how one classroom alone has 18 light fixtures! When the lighting guy came to the school he said they are so dirty and old that it's likely that only 30% of the light is actually permeating anyway! Let's hope the new stuff does the trick.

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